HISTORY of our Wing Chun Ip Mans Sons Style.
Everyone in Hong Kong knows Grand Master Ip Man
only made one
Wing Chun
Grand Master
being his middle Son
Grand Master Ip Ching .
It is super rare if anyone knows this fact, as the majority of those around the world
have nothing to do with
Bruce Lee and Ip Mans
home town
of Hong Kong.
Grand Master Ip Ching passed, he put up on 6 individual websites
his personal details and
his top
NOTEABLE students.
Only Sifu Tony Brooks
is listed as Certified Teacher amongst all of the Note Able students.
Sifu Tony Brooks was the first and only Certified Teacher by Sifu Ip Ching and placed on the note able list.
After Grand Master Ip Ching passed away, many of his so called honourable loyal students claim to be Certified, but how did Ip Ching Certify them when he had passed away.
If GM Ip Ching saw what his many
over seas students true face was
liars to his honourable, truth and fair morals , who put words in his mouth,
- it is certain,
Grands Master Ip Ching
would give all the liars a dishonourable discharge.
Where is the truth ?
Truth is Not in wiki Lies but eg here-
www.people pill.com
Because people like Sifu Tony are semi retired, Wing Chun has been over run by people not fully taught nor endorsed by any one.
Hence the Art of Wing Chun
in real action will rarely, if ever, be correctly seen,
but will the future only be taught by, talking people,
who can not show skill on true resistant people.
We will put up videos of
Grand Master Ip Chings standards
to show Grand Master Ip Chings and Ip Mans, standards to pass to be Written, Certified Teacher in Wing Chun Ip Man Family Sons style. If your Sifu can not do equal to this video skill example below then certainly he is not
Certified by Sifu Ip Ching.
Sadly, Heads of Ron Heimberger stole a picture copy of Sifu Teacher Certificate and forge their name to make money out of the people they mislead.
When Sifu Ip Ching asked Sifu Tony Brooks to take videos of him and
Sifu Ip Ching at Ip Mans house a few times while doing swords/ pole/ wooden man / Biu Gee etc when
Sifu Ip Ching asked, why Sifu Tony Brooks, never put these video bits on his nz Wing Chun site ?
Sifu Tony replied he thought it was a personal treasure, but Sifu Ip Ching
said, there is no one,
that he knows,
that would not exploit
the situation except
for Sifu Tony.
So his Sifu Ip Ching asked Sifu Tony to place bits on nz site and he eventually did.
Sifu Tony learnt Wing Chun for the love of Wing Chun, but not interested in exploiting Wing Chun, to make money, fame, or arrogant glory.
If Sifu Ron Heimberger and
interpreter Sam Kwok
never received a first level Certificate in anything in, Wing Chun, from
Grand Master Ip Ching,
then what are the chances that Grand Master Ip Ching Certified
any one who shows no resistant skill sparring, besides Sifu Tony Brooks who shows the resistance skills of Wing Chun ?
Sifu Tony Brooks suspects that some Wing Chun Teachers will pass their ignorance, disrespect to what is, or glory attitude, instead of Ip Man Wing Chun truth fairness and Mana respect simply because of self interest.
This is Not the Way.
To help others.
Sifu Tony points to Ip Ching and Ip Chun Sons as the next best teachings to their Fathers in Hong Kong.